Tortilla with Potatoes

Rating: 3.7045 / 5.00 (44 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into thin slices. Heat 100 (!) ml of olive oil in a pan. Salt the potatoes and fry on low heat, turning regularly, for about 15 minutes. The potatoes should not become too dark. Remove the potatoes and pat dry with kitchen paper. In a bowl, salt the beaten eggs, fold in the fried potatoes and let them rest a bit. Heat the remaining oil in a pan with high sides (the tortilla should be 3-4 cm high). Pour in the mixture and let it set over low heat. Use a wooden spoon to loosen the tortilla from the edge of the pan and shake the whole thing gently to allow the tortilla to separate from the bottom of the pan. Once the bottom is golden brown, place a lid on the pan and flip it over so that the tortilla is on top of the lid. Slide the tortilla back in and bake the other side until golden brown. Portion into pie pieces of any size and serve hot or cold, as desired.

Preparation Tip:

COOKING TIME: Potatoes about 15 minutes, tortilla 5-7 minutes TIP: If you brush the top of the tortilla with a little olive oil, it will keep fresh longer.

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