Parsley Mousse

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)


Tomato sauce:


For the mousse, peel the shallots, chop finely and steam briefly in the warm butter until soft. Cool down.

Chop the parsley finely.

Bring the chicken stock to a boil. Set aside.

Soak the gelatin in enough cold water. When it has collapsed, squeeze it well and let it melt in the warm soup. Add the juice of one lemon. Refrigerate until the soup has cooled but not yet begun to gel.

Line a medium Teflon pie dish (quiche dish) with plastic wrap.

Whip the cream until stiff. One by one, mix the sauteed shallots, parsley, and cream into the cooled soup just right. Season vigorously with salt and freshly ground pepper. Pour into the prepared mold and set aside to cool for at least three hours.

For the tomato sauce, chop the shallots and sauté in the butter. Add the chopped tomatoes and the tomato puree. Season with salt and pepper. Cook on low heat for about fifteen minutes. Cool.

To serve, turn out the mousse and cut into tranches. Arrange on plates and add a little bit of tomato sauce. Serve the rest of the sauce separately.

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